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The WBL Skills Feedback Survey is a post WBL assessment of a student’s skill development completed by the industry partner supporting the WBL activity. When a student completes a WBL activity from the Career Exploration phase of the continuum (except Skills Workshop) the industry partner(s) who interacted with the students have the opportunity to assess the students on a small subset of the Future Ready Skills.
It requires actions by both the educator and industry partner(s). Follow the steps below for each role.
Step 1 - Navigate to the WBL Participation Tracker home page.
Step 2 - Select an activity to access more information about the activity.
Activity Type should be one of the following: Job Shadow, Informational Interview, Resume Review, Mock Interview, Mentorship, Partner Engagement Project.
End Date should be within the last 30 days.
Step 3 - On the Activity Details page you will find more information about the activity. Under "Actions - Employer Skills Feedback", share the Survey Link or QR Code with any industry partner(s) that supported the WBL Activity.
Step 1 - Click on the survey link or QR Code shared by the educator
Step 2 - Look for the student name who you interacted with and who you are able to provide feedback. Select "Begin Feedback".
Step 3 - Follow prompts and answer the questions based on that particular student. Hit submit.
Step 4 - Select another student name if you interacted with more than one student. Continue steps 1 through 3 until you have provided feedback on all eligible students.
Note: Students may receive feedback from more than one industry partner for a single activity (i.e. mock interviews). Industry partners should only provide feedback for students they interacted with and are able to comfortably answer the questions.
The Skills Feedback Survey questions can be found here.