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Resources and FAQs to support the use of the WBL Reflection Form.
The reflection form questions can be found on the WBL Participation Tracker and Reflection Form Resource page or click here.
Students will need to log into their NAFTrack account to access the reflection form link. Directions to create a student account and how to log in can be found here.
Reflection is a key component of improving and learning. After each WBL activity student’s have the opportunity to connect what they learned from the activity to how it relates to their college and career goals. More on why reflection matters can be found here.
If a student doesn’t see the reflection form link follow these steps:
Verify the student was added to the activity
Verify if the student already completed the reflection
Verify the end date of the activity:
If the end date is in the future, the reflection form link will not appear until the end date
If the end date is more than 4 weeks ago, the reflection form link has expired
Verify the Activity Type
If the activity type is College Fair, College Tour, or Other, a reflection form link will not be available
Removing a student from an activity means they no longer receive a reflection form link.
If you add the student within 4 weeks of the end date of the activity, the student will receive the reflection form link when they log into NAFTrack.
If you add the student 4 weeks or later from the end date of the activity, the student will not receive the reflection form link.
A WBL Reflection Form is generated for any WBL activity on the continuum. These include:
Career Awareness: Career Fair, Guest Speaker, Worksite Tour
Career Exploration: Informational Interview, Job Shadow, Mentorship, Resume Review, Mock Interview, Partner Engagement Project, Skills Workshop
Career Preparation: Internship, Clinical Experience, Mentored Industry Project, Apprenticeship/Youth Apprenticeship
The primary activity selected in the WBL Participation Tracker determines what reflection form students see. If the primary activity is not one of the above, students will not get a reflection form.